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Website Lockout Service

Have you Lost Access to Your Website?

Schedule a meeting to request a website lockout service. We’ll meet via Zoom to discuss your website lockout and get you back in control ASAP. After our first meeting, I’ll prepare a website recovery road map with timelines and a quote.

What Can Go Wrong With Website Lockouts?

No one wants to lose control of a business website, but it can happen to the most prepared businesses. You shouldn’t need to defend yourself online, but that doesn’t stop harmful agents from using the tiniest opening to gain access to your website. Whether it’s hijackers, ransomers, hackers, or deadbeat web designers, you have found your website held hostage. In addition to potentially leaking your data and breaking your privacy policy, loss of website control can damage your company’s brand.

Manipulated Content

Your website content can be modified or erased without your knowledge, directing your loyal users to dangerous websites.

Spam Risk

You can lose control of your email domain. When your domain gets marked as a spam risk, your emails are black-listed as spam. Your customers stop receiving your emails. 

White Screen of Death

Your website can display nothing but a blank page. When your website displays only a white screen, you know something went wrong. Hopefully, you catch it before too many visitors see your website is down.

3 Signs You Might Be Locked Out

  1. You can’t log into your website
  2. You can’t edit the content of your website
  3. You see an animated pirate flag instead of your website